
WORK 2023

WORK 2022

Series Reading 2022 - work in progress

A series of works was created from field sketches  my children. It captures the process of reading, when you sit motionless in reality, but in parallel so many great impressions.
The work "Before going to bed. Rostislav" was created jointly with him. He added inscriptions, thoughts because he perceives what he reads.

Series Near home 2022 

Still life. Home. 2022

Series Episodes by the sea 2022

Series  "In a feminine way" 2022 

Still life 2022

Series Gardens 2021-22

Work 2021

                                               Series  My Garden  2021 - work in progress                                             

Series Color of Memory 2020 - work in progress


My latest abstract piece from the "Color of Memory" series.

What do we hold in our memory? Our life is a tapestry woven from a multitude of threads that create a unique chromatic ornament of time, satiated by our ancestors. All that our memory holds are colors, lines, dabs, and our feelings.

                                                 Series "My art kitchen" 2020 - 2021

Series Landskape 2020

"City of my dream" 2020 

Series "Expectation. Сontemplation" 2020


My series: Contemplation. Expectation. I started it in the winter, finished it in summer. Working with "Chair" got into a period of isolation, it was the peak of my pregnancy with twins. Chairs and armchairs are my favorite theme in painting. All my works are certain states-moments of contemplation and expectation, moments of upcoming excitement. For me, they have personal memories and associations, but everyone can find their own. "Turquoise Chair" for me is a memory of youth, waiting for love. "Armchair" is the dream of a home. "White Chair and shoes" is dreams and moments of happiness.

                                             Series  "Fairy tales " 2020

                                             Series  "Letter of the sea 2020 - work in progress 

                                            I was inspired to create these works by the Cy Twombly exhibition in Munich. They also reflected my love for the Adriatic and Baltic seas. When I worked on them, I                                                                                 thought that the sea is sending us messages encrypted in drawings on the shells. They look like a certain pattern, a kind of heartbeat diagram and life indicators on devices, like                                                         sound waves.                                                   

                                             Walking along the coast after low tide, I read these letters in the sand prints.

Series  still life on paper "Fruits and flowers" 2020 -21

Series Karelia  2020

work 2019

Series "Color and light "2018 - 2019

   Series "Chairs "2019 acrylic on  MDF, 50x70cm

Series "Dream " 2019 

Series "On the verge"  2019

                                                   Series "Color and smell"  2019

Series "Color " 2018 

Series "Fairy tales and legends" 2019 

Series "Shell"  2018-19